Category: Market or Sector Drivers

20. The Market Return Matrix

The fastest way to benchmark private equity deals by industry or sector and estimate GP value-add.

19. Market versus Manager-driven Returns

Simple market and manager-driven return measurements that can be more meaningful and easier to calculate than PME.

18. Other Market Drivers

Measurements of market influence on company EBITDA margin, COGS, and SG&A can be interesting, but are generally less reliable.

17. Sector-appropriate Gearing

Measure how much of the return was driven by a private equity deal having more (or less) leverage than the typical public or family-held peer.

16. Addressable Market Data Sources

Suggestions for building effective addressable market value datasets.

15. Market-driven Revenue Growth

Separate the market and manager-driven factors behind revenue to calculate Addressable Market Growth and Market Share Growth.

14. Market Multiple Data Sources

Suggestions for building effective market valuation multiple datasets.

13. Market-driven Multiple Expansion

Separate the market and manager-driven factors behind valuation to calculate Market Multiple Expansion and Intrinsic Multiple Expansion.